This corrupt police department KEEPS letting Jeff Steele, 38 of Cedar Bluff drive drunk and under the influence of drugs.
Every single person in this county knows that he has been let off the hook time after time for drunk driving and pill popping. He even calls himself the “King” because in his delusional mind he is indestructible. Residents need to contact the ABI and tell them that they are tired of the likes of the Cedar Bluff police department, Centre PD, and Cherokee County sheriff’s department for covering up his DUI’s and drugs. They have let him off 4 times in the past 3 years. When he KILLS someone, the law “enforcement” agencies are going to be OWNED as will the local media for covering up the actions of this total loser and drunk. Also, Cherokee Electric and the “boys” there need to be torn into to see why they keep allowing him to not be drug/alcohol tested. One of his “accidents” not long ago was where he nearly killed someone in his work truck. Just 2 days ago he flipped his truck under the influence and had to be airlifted to Chattanooga. GUESS WHAT? No arrest made. These guys are going to single handedly get someone killed, and when Jeff Steele kills someone, I hope their family sues every member of the Cedar Bluff PD for everything they have.
This corrupt police department KEEPS letting Jeff Steele, 38 of Cedar Bluff drive drunk and under the influence of drugs. Every single person in this county knows that he has been let off the hook time after time for drunk driving and pill popping. He even calls himself the “King” because in his delusional mind he is indestructible. Residents need to contact the ABI and tell them that they are tired of the likes of the Cedar Bluff police department, Centre PD, and Cherokee County sheriff’s department for covering up his DUI’s and drugs. They have let him off 4 times in the past 3 years. When he KILLS someone, the law “enforcement” agencies are going to be OWNED as will the local media for covering up the actions of this total loser and drunk. Also, Cherokee Electric and the “boys” there need to be torn into to see why they keep allowing him to not be drug/alcohol tested. One of his “accidents” not long ago was where he nearly killed someone in his work truck. Just 2 days ago he flipped his truck under the influence and had to be airlifted to Chattanooga. GUESS WHAT? No arrest made. These guys are going to single handedly get someone killed, and when Jeff Steele kills someone, I hope their family sues every member of the Cedar Bluff PD for everything they have.