The cemetery is about 50 yards east to west and 20 yards north to south, surrounded by a 4 foot high barbedwire fence. No headstones are visible from outside the fence. There are sunken areas in the ground in some places where graves are probably located. The fenced in area is maintained regularly because there is no undergrowth, only very tall original trees. Outside the fence the brambles and stickers and underbrush are very dense, so it is not easy to get to this location. I am not a relative of the Jordans--I was just curious about the cemetery in the woods that is so close to where I work on Redstone Arsenal.
The cemetery is about 50 yards east to west and 20 yards north to south, surrounded by a 4 foot high barbedwire fence. No headstones are visible from outside the fence. There are sunken areas in the ground in some places where graves are probably located. The fenced in area is maintained regularly because there is no undergrowth, only very tall original trees. Outside the fence the brambles and stickers and underbrush are very dense, so it is not easy to get to this location. I am not a relative of the Jordans--I was just curious about the cemetery in the woods that is so close to where I work on Redstone Arsenal.